
  • The Humble Spotter

    Let’s have a yarn about something that’s not just about lifting weights or hitting those fitness goals – it’s about looking out for each other’s mental health too. Yep, we’re talking about the importance of having a spotter.

    Aaaaaye, what’s mental health got to do with having a spotter at the gym?
    Well, let us break it down for you. Having someone there to spot you isn’t just about physical safety, it can also be about feeling supported and having someone to lean on when things get tough. They’ve seen you at your best, and worst.

    And let’s be real, we all have those days when we’re not feeling 100%. Maybe you’re feeling a bit anxious or stressed out – having a spotter can be a real game-changer in those moments. Knowing that someone’s there to support you can give you that extra bit of confidence to push through, both in the gym and in life.

    Alright, I’m gonna get real with you here. There was this time, I was at the gym feeling like absolute sh*t. You know those days when everything just feels heavy, even before you pick up a weight? I dragged myself to the bench, but honestly, I felt like I couldn’t even lift the bar. It was like my mind was stuck in this fog of doubt and negativity, and I just couldn’t shake it off.

    That’s when my mate, let’s call him Dave, noticed something was up. He didn’t just spot me – he saw through the fake smiles and the “I’m fine” nods. He knew I was having a rough one, and he wasn’t about to let me go through it alone.

    So instead of focusing on the weights, we started talking. About life, about struggles, about everything under the sun. It helped. It helped more than any set of reps ever could.

    By the time we finished our workout, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Dave reminded me that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes, and that having someone there to share the load can make all the difference.

    So yeah, next time you’re at the gym, don’t underestimate the power of having a spotter. They’re not just there to help you lift weights – they’re there to lift you up when you need it most. And if you need a spotter, just talk to someone in the gym! Everyone is there for pretty much the same reason. People are kind, and they will help you.

    Take care of yourselves, whānau.

  • Unlock Your Potential: How to Improve Grip Strength

    Keen to amp up your game, whānau? Let’s talk about grip strength – a key factor in smashing your PRs. At HIKAITI, we reckon it’s time to crank up that grip and unleash your full potential.

    Getting a Handle on Grip Strength:

    Sweet, so before we crack into the exercises, let’s suss out what grip strength’s all about. It’s all about how solid you can grip onto stuff (pretty obvious mate), whether you’re grip is the thing that’s failing on your deadlift or just trying to open a stubborn Waikato Draught. So, if you’re keen to level up your game, grip strength’s the way to go. Honestly, grip is so important for everyday strength. You’ll kick yourself when you get older and can’t open jars anymore.

    Tips to Beef Up Your Grip Game:

    1. Give Those Grippers a Go: Chuck some hand grippers into your routine, eh? These beauties give your hands a solid workout, helping you build up that grip strength over time. Don’t go overboard on ’em tho, you will gets cramps pretty bad if you use these every day. I’d say keep it to once or twice a week. You can find them at HIKAITI – quality gear that won’t sting your wallet.
    2. Take a Stroll with Farmer’s Walks: Ever heard of Farmer’s Walks, g? It’s all about grabbing some heavy shite in each hand and taking a wander. It’s not just your grip that gets a workout – your whole body gets in on it.
    3. Hang Loose with Dead Hangs: Hangin’ around never felt so good! Just hang from a bar with your arms straight, and let your grip do the work. Start small and build up – soon enough, you’ll be hanging like a marae blanket the day after a tangi.
    4. Towel Pull-Ups for the Win: Chuck a couple of towels over a bar and grip ’em tight. Then, knock out some pull-ups like a true Kiwi legend. Your grip muscles will be stoked, and your back and arms will thank you too. If you’ve got a bit of extra cash, our Thicc Grips can make dumbbell and barbell lifts work your grip and forearms WAYYY harder.
    5. Get Specific with Grip Exercises: Time to get down to the nitty-gritty, bro. Wrist curls, reverse wrist curls – you name it. These exercises target your grip muscles directly, giving you the strength you need to tackle anything life throws at you.

    In Conclusion:

    So, there you have it – some top-notch tips to beef up your grip strength. With a bit of graft and determination, you’ll be crushing your fitness goals in no time. And remember, HIKAITI’s got your back with quality gear that won’t let you down. So, chuck on your lifting shoes (or just bare feet) and get ready to go.

  • Starting an affordable Home-Gym, the Kiwi edition.

    Churrrrr Whānau!! Are you ready to sort out your fitness routine without breaking the bank? Say goodbye to crowded gyms and hello to your very own workout haven – right in the comfort of your own home?? Join us as we tell you how to transform your space into the ultimate home gym, tailored to your needs and budget.

    1. Discover Your Perfect Spot: Take a moment to explore your home and identify the ideal location for your home gym. Whether it’s a spare room, garage, or even a corner of your living room, find a space that offers enough room for movement and inspires you to break a sweat. Remember, this is your sanctuary – so choose a spot that feels right for you.
    2. Get Creative with DIY Solutions: One of the best parts about creating a home gym is the opportunity to get creative with DIY solutions, most stuff just ain’t affordable these days. Repurpose old furniture to create makeshift workout benches for dips, or use sturdy crates as storage for your equipment. Need weights? Fill empty milk jugs with sand or water for an affordable alternative. For example, a 1 litre jug of milk filled with water is 1KG, so the more litres the more GAINZ.
    3. Focus on Functional Essentials: When it comes to outfitting your home gym, focus on functional essentials that align with your fitness goals. Invest in versatile pieces like resistance bands, stability balls, and adjustable dumbbells that offer a wide range of exercises without taking up too much space. Need some inspiration? Check out our store for budget-friendly options that won’t compromise on quality.
    4. Customize Your Space: Make your home gym truly your own by adding personal touches that inspire and motivate you. Hang up posters of your favorite fitness quotes, create a vision board with your goals, or display photos of your fitness journey to keep you focused and driven. Don’t forget to incorporate elements that bring you joy, whether it’s a splash of color, some greenery, an aunty screaming at you, or your favorite workout jams.
    5. Embrace the Journey: As you head off on this journey to create your home gym, remember to enjoy the process. Celebrate each small victory, learn from any setbacks, and above all, have fun with it. Your home gym isn’t just a place to work out – it’s a space where you can challenge yourself, grow stronger, and become the best version of yourself. And if all else fails.. take the waewae  express.

    So, what are you waiting for you huas? It’s time to unleash your creativity, reclaim your space, and transform your home into the ultimate fitness destination. With a little imagination, determination, and a touch of DIY magic, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. Let’s make your home gym dreams a reality – one rep at a time. And if ya need any help finding equipment, hit us up over on our store!

    tags: cheap gym gear nz, top activewear new zealand, cheap home workout tools nz, cheap activewear nz, best budget activewear nz, fitness accessories nz


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